
Technology for Educators

Why should grammar schools partner with Bedrock Learning?

By Ben Triggs

02 Sept 2024


I feel old. It’s been over 20 years since I started my secondary education at a grammar school in High Wycombe. Fast forward seven years, I left to go to university with a sense of accomplishment and a passion for learning instilled in me by inspiring teachers and a culture which encouraged me to push myself.

Unlike many, my association with grammar schools didn’t end at 18. Members of my family worked in SEND departments, pastoral care and administrative roles at various grammar schools in Buckinghamshire, whilst my work at Bedrock Learning connected me to grammar schools across the country.

I’ve seen that in all schools and the wider education sector, a greater focus on language is beneficial for inspiring young people and transforming outcomes - grammar schools are no different and captivating PedTech is a catalyst for positive change.

Inspiring PedTech, not catch up

With many EdTech solutions, there is a focus on intervention, ‘catch-up’ and bringing those below average up to standard. This is useful for grammar schools, like with all other schools, but the limited focus on inspiring high achievers to push themselves is a mistake that too many fall into.

At Bedrock, this isn’t the case. The platform is deliberately designed to embed into the classroom and be adaptive based on a learner’s current level. It puts language teaching at the centre of education and has a positive impact on all students. It supports young people in becoming great orators, articulate writers and gives them the culture capital to critically think more broadly about complex subjects.

Put simply, by focusing on language, academic vocabulary and disciplinary literacy, grammar schools can push their students further, achieve better results and set them up for successful and fulfilled lives.

A platform focused on outcomes

Bedrock’s platform doesn’t leave language acquisition down to chance, motivated readers or parental support. Grammar school students will typically perform better on verbal reasoning, logical reasoning or IQ tests, but that doesn’t necessarily mean a developed vocabulary. If we don’t actively strengthen this through direct instruction, no matter their potential, they may never achieve the top exam grades or future success they deserve.

If we take Bedrock Learning’s vocabulary curriculum as an example. The goal is to push learners whatever their natural ability and pre-existing knowledge. As learners move through the curriculum, they experience more complex tier 2 vocabulary and they are always encouraged to push themselves.

Ethereal, refulgent, insouciant, palatial, lachrymose… these are all words taught within ‘Block 12’ of our curriculum. I’m going to level with you, after seven years at grammar school and three years at a top university, I struggle with them! However, this does highlight my point. Bedrock is the solution that pushes the most capable learners, whilst being adaptable and personalised, so they are supporting everyone regardless of their current level.

The hack for grammar schools

Teachers are under pressure and grammar schools are often understaffed. It’s a negative loop which needs breaking. Bedrock’s platform cannot claim to solve all of the challenges in this area but implementing it can relieve some pressure on staff, whilst also improving attainment. A win-win for grammar schools.

The platform is largely ‘plug and play’, enabling learners to get curated and personalised language teaching, which the research shows will boost attainment in all subjects, not just English GCSE. For all of this upside, it doesn’t add to the teacher’s workload. Implemented correctly, as part of the classroom learning, the pre-set curriculum and the self-marking technology enables educators more time to plan inspiring lessons with the data insights to ensure maximum effectiveness.

The proof it works in grammar schools

When it comes to EdTech, Grammar schools should be challenging providers to highlight the impact they can have at their school. With almost a decade of experience and research backed pedagogy underpinning everything we do, Bedrock can demonstrate the transformative impact it is having at the 20 grammar schools we’re working with across the country.

Whether a school believes there is a challenge with language development, is looking to improve GCSE results or setting up learners to progress into the top universities or jobs, this is where our solutions drive results.

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I’m passionate about grammar schools and this is something shared across the Bedrock team. We’d love to chat about your strategy when it comes to literacy, language development and improving attainment.