Ambitious vocabulary

Learning the vocabulary necessary for academic success cannot be left to chance.

Bedrock’s vocabulary curriculum immerses learners in contextualised Tier 2 language, forming a solid foundation for academic success.


Accessible language

It takes a rich knowledge of vocabulary to read for pleasure. On average, learners need to know 98% of the words in a text to understand its meaning.

That’s why Bedrock Learning’s fiction and non-fiction texts embed ambitious Tier 2 vocabulary within the words learners use in their everyday speech - so every child has the opportunity to fall in love with reading, no matter their prior ability.

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Vocabulary in context

Understanding complex vocabulary takes so much more than a dictionary.

Bedrock’s vocabulary curriculum introduces new vocabulary through research-based activities, designed to encourage a mastery of new vocabulary. Learners go beyond a dictionary definition - they understand how to use new terminology in their own writing.


Start improving learners’ vocabularies today.

Equip learners of all abilities with the skills they need to access their education.