Set realistic expectations

Bedrock Learning users are expected to earn 20 points a week to make optimal progress with their literacy - this sets a clear target so teachers, parents and learners are able to monitor progress.

Through Bedrock points, learners can see expectations set for their Bedrock usage, encouraging learners to self-moderate their work and take control of their own success.


Encourage healthy competition

Bedrock Learning’s point system helps bring literacy into student communities. Watch as learners discuss their progress when competing with other classes!

Why waste hours convincing learners to do their homework? Bedrock points provide a great incentive for motivating learners to improve their literacy.


Create your own competitions

Bedrock points provide a clear metric for classes, schools and trusts to make their own competitions. Bedrock’s point reports provide a variety of metrics schools can use to stoke up healthy competition.

In a society where schools are competing with social media for learners' attention, struggling readers may need more of a push to love improving their literacy - why not use Bedrock points to incentivise your students?


View data in an instant

Quickly see learners’ progress through our at-a-glance smile system, making it easier than ever to praise learners with 20 points a week and encourage those with lower usage.

Save time crunching the numbers - understanding learners’ progress data has never been simpler with the Bedrock points system.


Frequently asked questions

Take advantage of the deep-learning algorithm today

Get tangible, data-supported literacy improvement without all the marking.
